Wednesday, April 6, 2011


First things first: the 30 blog challenge is obviously for people who take LOTS of pictures and although my intentions are golden, I just don't take them. (And downloading off of FB isn't working......) So, this is the end of the challenge, at least until I find lots of old pictures or I start taking new ones. So there.

Lots of things have been going on. A lot has been on my mind, and I'm so glad it was conference weekend just a few weeks ago. I really needed that. Elder Scott's address was inspiring and I even heard my current favorite scripture: John 14:27. Talk about feeling included :) I'm also grateful for such awesome in-laws. I learn a lot from them and I always feel like I've been part of the family for forever. It's sad to think that some people don't have that blessing. My heart goes out to the girls who have not-so-wonderful mothers-in-law. It must really suck.