Thursday, March 3, 2011

Blog Challenge Day 3

Day 3: Your idea of the perfect first date

Well, this one is easy! The perfect date is the one Derrick planned! Seriously, it was perfect! First, we went to the golfing range to hit some golf balls.

I'd never hit a golf ball before so it was fun to try something new, even if I was trying to swing the club more like a bat... After that, we went back to his apartment where he was going to make an Italian dinner. Unfortunately, the meal was part cheese raviolis and, being lactose intolerant, that wasn't such a great idea. He hadn't known that though, and he even suggested we could go out instead (even though I hadn't said anything!). I agreed with going out to eat and we went to Outback, somewhere I'd never been (another first!). After dinner, I suggested we watch a movie too. (He later told me that's when he knew the date was going well, because I wanted to prolong it. :) We went back to his apartment and watched Transformers.

It was the perfect date! And good thing too, as it was my last first date ever! Bonus!!

1 comment:

  1. Wow that is a long date!! Golf and outback!!! What a big spender!!!
