Wednesday, July 20, 2011

The article

For those of you who don't have the privilege of meeting my mom, she is awesome. 100% amazing. She is supportive, loving, kind, and really funny. :) She saw this article in LDS Living and sent it to me. It was exactly what I needed to read. And I know that not a lot of people know what's going on - I'm actually on that list too - but this really helped me feel better. It's definitely helping with the whole patience thing, that's for sure.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Sitting, waiting, wishing

It's interesting to see the trials of others. Sometimes a hardship for one person is actually the dream of another. Weird, right?
Life is interesting right now. We're in Houston, away from family and friends. Derrick is currently staffed on a project that takes him away from home Monday through Thursday. I just got a job and I work on Friday and Saturday, 2 of the 3 days that Derrick is here. Derrick is staffed in the management side of the project, exactly where he wants to be. I get to pay for my own car, something that is very important to me. I've met some really nice girls at my job. I don't know if I'm just being whiny and pessimistic - I really am trying to count my blessings - but the trials seem to be pulling a little bit stronger than usual. Maybe we've just had it really easy?
And that's not even the deepest of the woes. More than anything, ANYTHING, I want to have a baby. **READER BEWARE, THIS WILL GET GIRLY** I'd even settle for having my period on a somewhat regular basis just to know my body is working right! I'm thinking maybe that's one of the reasons I got the job that I did, interestingly enough. A co-worker told me about a doctor she's seeing about the same-ish type of problem, so I've been pointed in the right direction. Going to call my insurance on Monday and hopefully set an appointment sometime this week or next.
Mom tells me that people keep asking when we're going to start our family. As much as I love the people who are asking, I wonder if they would continue to ask if they knew how much I wanted to, how the ache gets bigger and bigger, to the point of tears.
But then there's the other side of it: we've only been trying since March, who am I to complain compared to all those girls out there who have been trying for years? In the middle, feeling stretched, just sitting, waiting, wishing for my miracle.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


First things first: the 30 blog challenge is obviously for people who take LOTS of pictures and although my intentions are golden, I just don't take them. (And downloading off of FB isn't working......) So, this is the end of the challenge, at least until I find lots of old pictures or I start taking new ones. So there.

Lots of things have been going on. A lot has been on my mind, and I'm so glad it was conference weekend just a few weeks ago. I really needed that. Elder Scott's address was inspiring and I even heard my current favorite scripture: John 14:27. Talk about feeling included :) I'm also grateful for such awesome in-laws. I learn a lot from them and I always feel like I've been part of the family for forever. It's sad to think that some people don't have that blessing. My heart goes out to the girls who have not-so-wonderful mothers-in-law. It must really suck.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Pretty Little Lovely

In case you haven't noticed the absolutely darling button, please direct your eyes a little to the right... THERE! Isn't it cute?! It's my friend Chrissie's DIY blog. She's uber crafty with all sorts of things! Check it out!

Blog Challenge Day 3

Day 3: Your idea of the perfect first date

Well, this one is easy! The perfect date is the one Derrick planned! Seriously, it was perfect! First, we went to the golfing range to hit some golf balls.

I'd never hit a golf ball before so it was fun to try something new, even if I was trying to swing the club more like a bat... After that, we went back to his apartment where he was going to make an Italian dinner. Unfortunately, the meal was part cheese raviolis and, being lactose intolerant, that wasn't such a great idea. He hadn't known that though, and he even suggested we could go out instead (even though I hadn't said anything!). I agreed with going out to eat and we went to Outback, somewhere I'd never been (another first!). After dinner, I suggested we watch a movie too. (He later told me that's when he knew the date was going well, because I wanted to prolong it. :) We went back to his apartment and watched Transformers.

It was the perfect date! And good thing too, as it was my last first date ever! Bonus!!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Blog Challenge Day 2

Day 2: A photo of something you ate today.

Today I ate an orange. One of the things I dislike about oranges is that they're usually difficult to peel, which is why I like cuties more (plus, they're bite size). But the orange I had today was just like a big cutie. It practically peeled itself! Did you know that foods high in vitamin C are recommended for that midday lull in energy? Cool huh!

Happy March to everyone too! March is the best month of the year, besides December (I mean, come on, what's better than singing Christmas songs for an entire month?! Nothing, I tell you!). I turn a year older (and hopefully wiser... fingers crossed!), the semester is almost done, which means Houston is one month closer, and the birds are singing in the morning! This morning I could hear the birds. I walked outside and there wasn't a cloud in sight! Ah, it was the perfect morning! March means the beginning of spring and warmer weather. What could be better?

Blog challenge day 3 tomorrow!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Blog Challenge, day 1

Day 1: A photo of yourself and a description of how your day was.

Today was Friday. In my life currently, that means a day off. That's right folks, I don't work on Fridays! I have three day weekends ALL. THE. TIME. I dreamed about this in high school, three day weekends all the time. And it's everything I ever dreamed it would be! On Fridays, I'm not anxious about doing nothing. I can do nothing and be totally fine with it because I have all day Saturday to do whatever I need to! So I can be lazy and do absolutely nothing, or I can be totally productive. Whatever I choose. Usually, like today, it's a little bit of both.

Today was great! I slept in til about 9:30, did a load of towels, and went to the dentist. The news was mostly good. I had about a bazillion cavities filled a year ago, and I only have one! And it's one that they'd seen last time but decided to wait it out. There were two like that, and the other one is fine, so whew! After that, Derrick and I went to Hickory Kist, the most amazing sandwich place in town. I took a nap, did the dishes, made enchiladas (I've been craving them for pretty much all of 2011) and watched some Grey's Anatomy, Criminal Minds, and Cold Case. Derrick and I are going to go running a little later and then it's off to bed! Pretty much a normal Friday for me, and I love it!

Day 2 is coming up tomorrow!