Friday, February 25, 2011

Blog Challenge, day 1

Day 1: A photo of yourself and a description of how your day was.

Today was Friday. In my life currently, that means a day off. That's right folks, I don't work on Fridays! I have three day weekends ALL. THE. TIME. I dreamed about this in high school, three day weekends all the time. And it's everything I ever dreamed it would be! On Fridays, I'm not anxious about doing nothing. I can do nothing and be totally fine with it because I have all day Saturday to do whatever I need to! So I can be lazy and do absolutely nothing, or I can be totally productive. Whatever I choose. Usually, like today, it's a little bit of both.

Today was great! I slept in til about 9:30, did a load of towels, and went to the dentist. The news was mostly good. I had about a bazillion cavities filled a year ago, and I only have one! And it's one that they'd seen last time but decided to wait it out. There were two like that, and the other one is fine, so whew! After that, Derrick and I went to Hickory Kist, the most amazing sandwich place in town. I took a nap, did the dishes, made enchiladas (I've been craving them for pretty much all of 2011) and watched some Grey's Anatomy, Criminal Minds, and Cold Case. Derrick and I are going to go running a little later and then it's off to bed! Pretty much a normal Friday for me, and I love it!

Day 2 is coming up tomorrow!

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