Thursday, February 17, 2011

As far as introductions go...

I feel like there should be balloons or a celebration of some sort... Deanna is finally blogging! It's a miracle! (cue cheers from the crowd, applause sign...) I have so many things to be grateful for and I want to share them! And, okay, I want a cute blog like Chrissie's (love you girl!). :)
So first things first. I'm a family girl all the way. Those of you following this should know this about me. But, if you don't, I'm going to give you a little taste of what it's like to have the best siblings in the world. I was feeling big-sisterly the other day so I sent acrostics to my three youngest siblings (sorry Dev, I thought you'd think it was uber cheesy... am I right?) To my surprise, they all sent me one back! This is what they sent:
From Caiden: Determined, Extraordinary, Amazing, Neat, Nice, Awesome.
From Sierra: Diva, Exciting, Amiable, Non-stop smiling, "Nana", (down right) amazing.
From Samantha: Devoted wife, daughter and sister; Excellent in everything he does; Amazing listener with just as amazing advice; Never loses sight of what's really important; Notes, preferably sticky notes; A big sister that had made an impact on her siblings so big she has no idea.
Seriously, how lucky am I to be blessed with such awesome siblings? Um, SERIOUSLY blessed.
>So, as far as introductions go, I hope this is a decent start to blogging because I plan on doing more. A lot more. <3

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